learn more about short sales: http://www.thelajollalife.com/avoid-foreclosure-options.php
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Justin C Brennan | 7825 Fay Ave ste 190 La Jolla, CA 92037 | c: 619-823-2120 | f: 858.386.4123 | thelajollalife.com | HarcourtsUSA
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Join Justin Brennan as he showcases his newest sale of a wonderful home in Carmel Valley 13859 Camino Del Suelo, San Diego 92129. visit www.TheLaJollaLife.com for more photos and info. http://www.thelajollalife.com/avoid-foreclosure-options.php
This was a short sale of a home in Carmel Valley. Justin does all types of sales.
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Cell: 619-823-2120
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